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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectIs it just me? or is the new Statik and Term album.....not as good
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2700501
2700501, Is it just me? or is the new Statik and Term album.....not as good
Posted by stone_phalanges, Fri May-18-12 02:56 PM
...as the first 1892 album? That first album was HOT. I was forced to go back and listen to all Termanology's older albums (they were not as good).

But this new one just doesn't have that same hard feel. 1982 was harder, not really in a gangster way but just musically.

Has anyone else heard the new Statik Selectah and Termanology album?
2700502, Anything involving Termanology is fucking terrible.
Posted by CondoM, Fri May-18-12 02:57 PM
He had that one good track with Primo, and that's it.
2700503, Right? Why producers insist on making albums with their carriers
Posted by Stadiq, Fri May-18-12 03:02 PM

is beyond me.

2700505, he has a couple of those
Posted by Small Pro, Fri May-18-12 03:15 PM
plus the closer on his debut produced by havoc was a heaterz
2700504, RE: Is it just me? or is the new Statik and Term album.....not as good
Posted by stone_phalanges, Fri May-18-12 03:09 PM
Term is dope. Not really gonna argue that with you. Just to clarify I was asking people who enjoyed 1982.
2700514, statik still making albums with that bum? seriously?
Posted by Hellyeah, Fri May-18-12 04:08 PM
2700560, I'm just gonna assume Termanology did something unpleasant to the lesson's mom
Posted by stone_phalanges, Fri May-18-12 07:07 PM
The hate that he gets around here seems unwarranted and vaguely personal, almost like the hate that Talib or Lupe gets but I KNOW why the lesson has beef with them.

2700598, Term's career is a perfectly encapulates why...
Posted by mrshow, Fri May-18-12 09:22 PM
boom bap-inspired hip hop sucked for most of the 00's. His music lacks any passion/imagination but people somehow people give it a pass because it's somehow "real hip hop." Meanwhile, it lacks any the passion and innovation that made the actual Golden Era so wonderful. In short, he cynically cashes in on people's nostalgia for actual good music. The same could be said about Big KRIT, who is way more concerned with paying homage to the Southern artists who came before him but he's actually sounds good. Term sounds like somebody's little brother trying to rap.

If he is going to complain about how soft and awful hip hop today is, hr shouldn't do a song with Mac Miller/try to ghostwrite for Diddy. There's too many new MCs with actual talent for this guy to be getting any attention. He should just call it a wrap and become Primo's accountant.

Statik is okay though.
2700610, RE: Term's career is a perfectly encapulates why...
Posted by stone_phalanges, Fri May-18-12 09:53 PM
OK, you don't like his music. I personally don't hear what you are hearing in his rapping. His music on the other hand I largely agree with you. His first two albums were what you are talking about pretty much exactly. But really? no originality in "people are running", "Wedding bells","tell me lies"? I don't know about that one.

Really though, if you are able to I encourage you to give the first collaboration '1982' another listen I understand if you aren't feelin' it but I wasn't expecting to like it either and it surprised me.
2700678, I'm not sure if I agree on this part.
Posted by CondoM, Sat May-19-12 03:58 AM
>The same could be said about Big KRIT, who is way more concerned
>with paying homage to the Southern artists who came before him
>but he's actually sounds good. Term sounds like somebody's
>little brother trying to rap.

KRIT is obviously hugely influenced by those who came before him, and pays homage to them, but he's his own artist in the end. There hasn't really been anybody like him in the past, even if he does sound like Pimp C and AZ's bastard child.

There's nothing original or interesting about Term though.

My hate for him is probably a bit unfair, because the first time I heard him was Watch How It Go Down, which was incredible imo. So I downloaded his earlier mixtapes/albums. They turned out to be garbage, but I just put that down to them being his earlier work. I still thought he was the next big thing in "real" hip-hop (yeah, I was one of THOSE guys). Copped his next mixtape (with real money, smh). I've been mad ever since. I kept listening, just waiting to hear that potential realised, but it never happened. The guy just sucks.


I'll always love that song though. It was the last time I really felt a DJ Premier beat like that too.

Edit: It also bothers me that he drops the n-bomb, I know he's supposed to be latino or some shit, but this guy is whiter than me.
2700707, RE: I'm not sure if I agree on this part.
Posted by stone_phalanges, Sat May-19-12 08:44 AM

>Edit: It also bothers me that he drops the n-bomb, I know he's
>supposed to be latino or some shit, but this guy is whiter
>than me.

He good. I'm not sayin' all black people agree with me but somehow I feel more connected to Latin cultures when we have this common element in our culture.

Did you hear 1982 though?
2700587, Definitely softer than the first, but that's not bad
Posted by BNueve, Fri May-18-12 08:55 PM
Theres some dope joints on it
2700604, RE: Definitely softer than the first, but that's not bad
Posted by stone_phalanges, Fri May-18-12 09:42 PM
Yeah I was thinking that too but there are definitely some wack joints on there. I felt the first colab pretty much front to back.
2700736, RE: Definitely softer than the first, but that's not bad
Posted by WARGOD357, Sat May-19-12 11:35 AM
>Yeah I was thinking that too but there are definitely some
>wack joints on there. I felt the first colab pretty much front
>to back.



2700796, RE: Definitely softer than the first, but that's not bad
Posted by stone_phalanges, Sat May-19-12 04:43 PM
ok, thanks, I'll need to check out that new Reks album now.
2702473, LMAO
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed May-23-12 02:35 PM
2702461, Final verdict
Posted by stone_phalanges, Wed May-23-12 02:27 PM
dope album, decided to cop after I deleted 'shinin' and 'Happy days' improved the album 1000%.

Thanks to all that participated.