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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectLMAO. So, he's not on OF's label. The other OF rappers are.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2693789&mesg_id=2694403
2694403, LMAO. So, he's not on OF's label. The other OF rappers are.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu May-03-12 07:13 PM

He's not on OF's label, he has his *own* imprint.

He explicitly decided not to sign to OF's imprint.

You guys are such sensitive fags. Of course he liks
OF and will make music with them.

But he did explicitly decide to not sign *with*
OF. All of the other OF rappers are signed to OF's
label. Earl is not.

Frank Ocean is the other OF member not signed to
the imprint, but that's because Ocean was already

Early *decided* to not sign with OF.


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