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Topic subjectto ballance the connotation
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2692082, to ballance the connotation
Posted by the_lorax, Sat Apr-28-12 12:16 AM
between taste and preferences, rather than an "executive" decision

The intent to test control population by influence, could shroud any criminal prosecution or investigations in period connected to those sentences to identified prisons. (Bribery to false evidence)

To me the story is believable because of the dilemma these private prisons create within the local jurisdiction,..

the abstraction of the prison industrial complex becomes more concrete in "these" type of occurrences,..


the administration of the law becomes "colored" and is then socializing persons into criminal lifestyle, rather than upholding the law.

the irony is that an oppressive federalist system, will have to uphold state law in its physicality rather than philosophically,..

because the state,..

would likely be pulled into a black hole of corruption to deflect the federal authorities from jurisdictional entry to the affairs of the state,..


and to counter,..."special prosecutions"

following a cycle of personal desires enacted through positions of public authority, a Federal Criminal Judge says to defendant (blag),.
(paraphrased) your argument infers that there is US gov conspiracy.

I am not a lawyer, and technically as far i know about Illinois, if you want a plea it has to be done in pre-trial action, however the judge was throwing the defendant a bone and could have possibly turned the fortune of his eventual 14 year conviction.

"that it was bigger than the music business and nothing we’d want to challenge without risking consequences"

Blag as example is tragic,..he exemplified the false security persons enter into within corruption: At some point their distorted reality is adjusted back to ground.

Sin is probably not going to be limited to an instant,..
the repertoire of those involved include coercion and extortion, often by force, and if in the accident of being to physical to crime, the social conditioning of corruption allow(s) parties to make the law immaterial.

why the racketeering charges were dropped probably "has" nothing to do with there not being any "money," but the contextual leeway plausible because a governor engaged a criminal conspiracy: search and seizures, privy.
