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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectI'm completely with you on this:
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2690117&mesg_id=2690242
2690242, I'm completely with you on this:
Posted by stylez dainty, Tue Apr-24-12 06:20 PM

>one thing i don't see directly discussed much is the idea of
>for example, there is a reason why traditional african ritual
>drum music survives and is celebrated today
>despite being thousands of years old...
>if u've ever been to an african ritual, there is a certain
>hypnotism and enormous energy to the constant repetition of
>certain drum patterns
>i've always thought that hip hop was a modern descendant of
>that hypnotic feeling that repeating patterns bring.
>its quite an ancient and innate part of the human musical

The hip hop beat, which I do believe is a distinct and differentiated type of beat, really does have a mesmerizing effect--the head nod factor. It's crazy to me when a producer adds hip hop drums to a sample and all of the sudden it gets re-contextualized into something that's almost trance-inducing and has kind of a spiritual effect on you. Example: Group Home - Up Against the Wall (Getaway Car Mix)