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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: Disagree
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2690117&mesg_id=2690158
2690158, RE: Disagree
Posted by stylez dainty, Tue Apr-24-12 03:08 PM
> but when u compare a lot of the older hip hop which is
>pretty much rhymer over a continous beat vs some of the more
>musical hip hop of today if done well there is a marked
>diffrence in terms of completness

True, but even though hip hop songs have more elements in them, more layers to the beats, choruses, bridges, etc. most are still "grooves" relying on repetition of samples, riffs, etc. But you do have stuff emerging that is more about the melody and the shifting composition. My question is if that's the future or just a little diversion that kind of goes against why people like hip hop in the first place.