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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectpeople who downplay mccartney in favor of lennon.....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2681626&mesg_id=2681626
2681626, people who downplay mccartney in favor of lennon.....
Posted by d-bwoyFLOW, Wed Apr-04-12 12:02 PM
mccartney wuz always the most important and talented Beatle. lets be real here. the whole lennon lovefest is some romanticised bullshit. he was the "edgy" one. he was the one who stuck two fingers up at the man. and then got shot by a crazed fan. i mean thats far more cooler than george dying of boring ass cancer.

but when you actually look at what mccartney brought to the music compared to lennon then it ain't even a debate. mccartney wuz tha heart an soul of the band and kept them ticking. basically all of sgt pepper an abbey road is paul. lennon barely did anything on them shits. lennon gets all the props for a day in the life but mccartney contributed to that shit just as much.

that's the thing. lennon is seen as the dude that took the beatles music to more experimental places while paul sang some sappy piano ballads. but that's bullshit. mccartney came up with a lot of the beatles wildest shit. the tape loops on tomorrow never knows for instance.

but still mccartney seen as the herb of the group. even tho he contributed more than lennon.

and even on a solo level, paul>>>>>John

paul's solo career on tha real is slept on while john hot two good albums. everything else he did was garbo foreal foreal.