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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: just to expound for anyone who's interested...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2679246&mesg_id=2725373
2725373, RE: just to expound for anyone who's interested...
Posted by SP1200, Sun Jul-29-12 03:55 AM
And because the driving force is capital the rap "middle class" will be kept around on a certain level as long as they bring in consistent money. Consistency is king right now as much as pop is king. Labels need both now more than ever. And keep in mind this slicker than slick pop cycle we're seeing is a part of the 80's twenty year cycle (slick 80's). The 80's cycle will be over by 2015 (and in come 90's) and "slicker than slick" will be irrelevant. So yes Black Eyed Peas are sellouts, but being that they came out in the 90's they may be able to adapt to the next cycle.

>this is music/art but the driving forces is always capital.
>and if you expect corporate entities to not follow where any
>remaining capital is this quarter on the basis of "keeping
>integrity" you are going to be left with a frown on your face
>bemoaning the present state of rap music like "backpackers"
>were circa 2003.