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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectthe eLigh / amp Live : therapy at 3 - half of it is sLammin' &these..
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2644181&mesg_id=2644277
2644277, the eLigh / amp Live : therapy at 3 - half of it is sLammin' &these..
Posted by judono, Thu Dec-29-11 10:11 PM

and speaking of bizzarre....
the boy.... j bizzarre / jbizz .. is one to check for in 2012-- this february. vaLentine Love bomb -- the album.

here's 4 joints to check that will Not be on the album--- but will give u a small glimpse of some of the textures:

pt.1 - http://hulkshare.com/l6hzi660hp6y

pt.3 - http://hulkshare.com/7feme61sy2eq

and then, **got to check this one** this one actually might be a bonus track on the valentine love bomb album:


pt.2 - http://hulkshare.com/0mk612nhnztg