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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectBaby(CashMoney) describes himself as 'not a rapper, a game spitta',to me
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2539108&mesg_id=2540341
2540341, Baby(CashMoney) describes himself as 'not a rapper, a game spitta',to me
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Apr-21-11 01:40 PM
that seems to fit Suga Free more than it does him, or at least Suga Free is miles more adept from a lyrical & technical standpoint while still managing to have you feeling like he's a pimp in character having a conversation either with you or with someone else (usually a hoe) right in front of you.

This verse is actually one of the more 'introspective' Suga Free verses I've heard from him.