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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectyup.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2535007&mesg_id=2678161
2678161, yup.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Mar-26-12 04:14 PM
>the rolling stones' 'some girls' is one of their best albums
>and was well-received critically and commercially.

it was received w/hard feelings among hardcore Stones fans and Rockists at the time. those feelings have mellowed a bit since then. but if we wanna understand the 'DISCO SUCKS' stuff, we gotta go back in time.

>people LOVED 'i was made for loving you'. those people still

yes. and many ppl HATED the song. regardless of how they feel now, they hated it then. some of those ppl were in the 'DISCO SUCKS' crowd.

>the clash wasn't a rock band like that. people who dug the
>clash weren't hating on disco, were they?

the ppl who dug the Clash hated on everything. LOL. j/k. yeah, a good # of them hated on Disco.

again, let's not rewrite history. it's important to remember that regardless of how Disco is seen now, there was a serious anti-Disco sentiment in the air by the late 70s. we've explained it throughout the post.