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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectNo hate, I just don't listen to the same shit he does
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2291465&mesg_id=2291835
2291835, No hate, I just don't listen to the same shit he does
Posted by LittleX, Sat Jan-02-10 06:24 PM
It's a preference, just cause you think you have a smart list of mostly no groove noise music
doesn't make you intelligence

>few on here really take the time to compile, describe and
>reason within themselves and broader culture to attempt a list
>such as yours.
>even though I don't listen to half of the artist/albums on
>your list, its the best I've read so far: pitch4k, complex,
>uncut, fact magazine, rolling stone, LA weekly.
>the reason being their is a rhyme reason and flow to your
>picks. nothing really sticks out as a what the fuck pick.
>I got my top 25 on my facebook notes section. if you'd like to
>check em out let me know