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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: I think they should definitely branch out to do more things musically.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=3044503&mesg_id=3044713
3044713, RE: I think they should definitely branch out to do more things musically.
Posted by Knowledge_of_Self, Thu Nov-30-23 07:55 AM
>however, I don't have any issue with MCs continuing to put to
>put out rap albums.
>basically, do what you feel.

Yeah but if they’re not hot these days then I think that more MC’s should look to create elsewhere.

They can put out what they want, but if shit ain’t hot then what’s the point in releasing poor material??

Andre said some real shit and people went up in arms when he said that he doesn’t have anything to rap about. I feel a lot of folks these days don’t have much to talk about so they put out bad music. He is seeming not to want any part of that. When you’ve said and done it all like he has then moving to something else is a wise move I think.