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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectDe La Soul - I Am I Be
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=3044665&mesg_id=3044665
3044665, De La Soul - I Am I Be
Posted by doitall76, Mon Nov-27-23 01:49 PM
Out of curiosity, has it ever been determined or revealed whether the cameo vocals for I Am I Be were recorded prior to the verses were recorded???

The reason that I ask is because of the lines:
Faker than a fist of kids
Speakin' that they're black
When they're just n****s trying to be Greek
Or some tongues who lied
And sail "We'll be natives to the end"
Nowadays we don't even speak
I guess we got our own life to live
Or is it because we want our own kingdom to rule?

The light hearted nature of the delivery from the guests, especially from Q-Tip, who originally took issue with the line from Stakes is High, "That's why the Native Tongues has officially been reinstated". He said that he didn't really acknowledge that they had stopped.

