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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: It's my personal favorite Common album.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2826014&mesg_id=3042661
3042661, RE: It's my personal favorite Common album.
Posted by mista k5, Wed Apr-26-23 01:03 PM
Retrospect for Life is basically a pro life song but obviously with much more nuance and very relatable. I think it's a song that focuses on the subject in such a good way. I could see someone nitpick certain lines take them out of context and claim that's he's anti women's rights lol I think a more fair summary of the song is that it's a tough decision that people don't and shouldn't take lightly. I don't at all think he's saying that women shouldn't have a choice but I can see someone twist it that way.

I think Common's albums from Res to EC are on my list of albums I can't live without. I don't know how big that list is but they are on it. Be is right there too but for me it has the least replay value of those 5.

I picked up Can I Borrow a Dollar over the weekend. I haven't gone back to it in years. Hopefully I enjoy it more than I remember lol

I think his post Finding Forever albums will be difficult to revisit but I don't think there's anything horrible. The Nas discog was hard to go through because of how many albums he has and many of them being mid. I'm thinking Common's will be a bit better.