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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectYeah, Stillmatic wasn't as good as I once felt
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=3040832&mesg_id=3040975
3040975, Yeah, Stillmatic wasn't as good as I once felt
Posted by Oak27, Thu Dec-29-22 05:55 PM

>A good recent example of this was a recent episode of
>seandammit's podcast "The Questions" about Stillmatic. I've
>always ranked Stillmatic 3rd or 4th in my Nas discog rankings,
>but when I went back and listened to it beginning to end
>before listening to the episode, I was like ... this is half
>amazing and half mega-meh. Ha. Same thing happened with God's
>Son recently.

In revisiting some of these albums the last week I've definitely cooled on my rating of Stillmatic, it's an album of strong highs but much weaker lows. Going in I figured I'd give it an 8 but that's been lowered to a 7.

God's Son I still need to get to, but I've had that at a 7/10 and don't expect to change it. A mix of my favorites from Stillmatic, The Lost Tapes and God's Son would yield a hell of an album though.