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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectmy picks
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=3020631&mesg_id=3020838
3020838, my picks
Posted by johnbook, Sun Dec-08-19 05:31 AM
Timothee Chalamet
Bobby Sherman's "Little Woman"
REASON: He stars in LITTLE WOMEN. On a bit of extra information, Bobby Sherman once had a fling with my auntie. The less said, the better.

Ashley Graham
Graham Central Station's "G.C.S."
REASON: From his second album, an album I grew up with and have been a fan of 45 years. I've always said when I finally visit the Bay Area, I will go to the church where Larry Graham and the band snapped the front cover, as this album means the world to me. I had wanted to go for my birthday in October but I didn't have enough $$$ for the trip so I'm aiming for next year. I'll then head to Tiburon, California, get a cane so I can do exactly what Larry Graham did and boom.

If you do go for this, just play the melody that begins at the 3:06 mark.

The RELEASE YOURSELF album was also a personal favorite of my auntie, connected with the lady and the Bobby Sherman story above so if both songs are performed, it will be in honor of her. The use of "G.C.S." is for name affiliation as she is a Graham.

Bong Jong Ho
Sophia Loren's "Bing! Bang! Bong!"
REASON: Not sure if you're giving him a song but play this one.
