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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectwhats your favorite GANG STARR song?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=3019817&mesg_id=3019817
3019817, whats your favorite GANG STARR song?
Posted by fontgangsta, Mon Oct-28-19 01:30 PM
im spending this week deep in the GS discography to get my body mind and soul correct for friday.
i think a lot of yall probly feel like i feel, and we got something really special coming to us. I'm nervous and excited and sad and joyous and thankful and anxious.
so before we get the last new Gang Starr record of our lives, lets talk about your absolute favorite Gang Starr song. And I mean, just list it if you want, but if you can - speak on it yall. Let's lift up this amazing collection of tracks before we add one final chapter to this canon.