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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectYeah, I answered without thoroughly reading the orig. post.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2983401&mesg_id=2983620
2983620, Yeah, I answered without thoroughly reading the orig. post.
Posted by Shogun, Tue Feb-07-17 09:46 AM
>Your criticisms of my comments were valid but I thought that
>the OS wanted the general criticisms of the genre, not
>necessarily our own criticisms. So I felt a bit off guard by
>your comments.

you're right. I misinterpreted the original post.

>TBH, I don't know much about Disco or that the Philly Soul
>scene was part of the disco scene. I was mainly trying to sum
>up criticism of the genre that I had heard.
>Like I said there are disco songs that I like and your comment
>about the stereotype of disco being White music makes sense
>since there were lots of Black musicians who made a career off
>of disco.
>I could be misreading the tone of your comment so it is a real
>possibility that I'm reading too much into your message and
>taking comments personally when they weren't intended to be.

Nah, don't take it personal. Like I said, I read the shit wrong and answered based off that. It wasn't intended as an attack on you in any way. In-Depth Music discussion, my friend. No more, no less.