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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectYep.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2983401&mesg_id=2983588
2983588, Yep.
Posted by Shogun, Mon Feb-06-17 04:09 PM
> All of a sudden, they were recycling the shitty 80's
>shit I grew up with *and* hated. Oh yeah, the recycling of
>previously proved samples in *hip-hop* is another issue...

Ennh, I can still rock to anything with a Funky Drummer sample. One of my all time fave drum breaks, but point taken.

>basically, the idea that hip-hop beats was this magic thing
>that were NOT just dope on it's *own* terms but also gave you
>a reason to go digging and finding out stuff was ruined here,
>replaced with 80's pop (and rap) nostalgia and rap recycling
>that struck me as every bit as airhead as the "Grease"/"happy
>dyas" nostalgia I grew up with.

exactly. ((insert)) was a hit, so let's sample that for the main groove. Selling memories, basically.

>And btw, whiteys infatuation with the underground in this
>*exact* era is quite teling... Seriously, someone should write
>a story...


Word Salad over crazy beats became in vogue for no reason other than "it's underground, not that jiggy shit."