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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectNo issues with beats?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2983401&mesg_id=2983420
2983420, No issues with beats?
Posted by Jakob Hellberg, Fri Feb-03-17 07:30 PM
That's *my* issue with trap; that it sounds plastic and cheap; people could rap about sucking piss through a turd... and *swallowing* if the music was dope. I don't hear good music in the background; I hear what sounds like presets and people not even caring about music on a deeper level... That said, I dig punk and I can dig trap too if it's raw and in your face enough; just like punk in its most basest definition though, I find it difficult to "justify" the style as a whole as "great music". Like, we have 100 years of recorded music from all over te world at our disposal... its difficult for me to go: Trap! YES!!! Then again I'm a white dude in sweden and yada-yada, I don't get it, I'll shut up...