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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subject10 years from now
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2964235&mesg_id=2965719
2965719, 10 years from now
Posted by SsenepoD, Sun May-15-16 07:18 PM
when Drake's on his Jay status where he's culturally relevant but not a factor based on his quality of music, we're gonna look back & realize this was the album that marked his turning point from great music to living off reputation with moments of greatness.

I fuck with the dancehall/tropical/reggae/etc. vibe he's incorporating. It's new for him & those tended to be the best hooks/"songs" on here.

But the rapping was subpar. it sounded like joints that didn't make IYRTITL/WATTBA. There weren't any "hits" or super memorable parts that you'll be singing in the club or songs where he was really killin a verse.

And then the singing sections sounded like Take Care leftovers.