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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: he was a Musician and he made songs that connected period
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2947418&mesg_id=2947804
2947804, RE: he was a Musician and he made songs that connected period
Posted by murph71, Mon Oct-19-15 02:07 PM

There's a reason I said he was bigger than the music....Michael Jackson was the hopes and dreams of young black America in Penny Loafers....

I've tried to dissect it down to Mike just being a great singer/performer who made great songs and connected with the public...But as much as I've written about Mike over the years and interviewed people that were in his inner circle, the more it becomes obvious that MJ was so much more than that...

To me he was a gifted songwriter and an even more otherworldly live performer (until he started going hard on the lipsynching)....

I try not to add more to MJ's legend because it's not needed. At his height there was no other performer on his level culturally in the history of popular music....