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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: BDK, Kool G & Ace have said that they had the ideas but
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2908792&mesg_id=2909026
2909026, RE: BDK, Kool G & Ace have said that they had the ideas but
Posted by Kil, Tue Nov-11-14 01:35 PM
I think it's hard to call on all fronts. With Kane and 'em bringing records to me it depends on if Kane told Marley I want you to use this song Blind Alley from the Emotions, here is the record...then to me that deserves co production credit. BUT let's keep this in mind too, that during those times in the mid 80's not a lot of folk in the hood had studio equipment. So most hip hop albums that were made during that time consisted of rappers and producers bringing records to a studio and having the engineer do all of the programming and the engineer didn't get production credit, the person bringing the records did. So I can understand Kane and Biz's claims that THEY produced those records. Now of course now in 2014 when anybody with an ipad has garageband and a folder full of mp3's to make beats we look at what Kane and 'em are saying as crazy but keep in mind in their days they were essentially the producer.

Now, do I look at Marley different? IF that's the way it went down on EVERY song then yeah cause half of the respect that I have for a producer is his diggin game so if I found out that Kane brought all of the records and instructed him what to do and how to do it then yeah, Marley kinda gets the black eye but if Kane and Biz just pulled u to Queensbridge with 15 crates of records and was like "Marley, see what you can find" then naw, Marley is still good money in my eyes.

And as far as would I do a "Rockwilder" move? Hell yeah! The sad part of ghost production is it's like pledging into a frat. If you wanna be in a frat, you get your ass beat. Is it right? Hell no, but if you wanna be down, it's what you've gotta do. Especially if you're a producer who's on his own and doesn't have a group or a MC to help get his music out.