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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectit was literally and album of them just bragging
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2897116&mesg_id=2897201
2897201, it was literally and album of them just bragging
Posted by Kosa12, Mon Aug-18-14 11:56 AM
and I loved it, my favorite album from last year, but based on their past material its pretty obvious that they are capable of making a "deeper" album, will that be RTJ2?...I don't know....and tbh I would probably love it either way, the entire vibe they have in their recordings together is just so in your face and kick ass I would probably dig a bragging album all over again lol. It might have been lyrically shallower than RTJ but the rapping/beats was so much more impressive so...whatever

I definitely think they could do a "fight the power" type anthem though