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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectsongs produced between 2000-2004 sounded like they cost money.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2866207&mesg_id=2866207
2866207, songs produced between 2000-2004 sounded like they cost money.
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Sat Jan-18-14 06:56 PM
i am not talking about the content of the records.
i mean the way the songs were engineered and produced.

i was on a nostalgia kick so i went and listened to
some songs that were out when i was in college.

even minor hits from artists like sunshine anderson an blue cantrell
sounded like some time and money went into making the song
sound like something that would sound good
coming through your speakers.

compare that to songs like "thrift shop."
i'm not saying it's a bad song.
but it sounds like it was engineered and mixed on an iPhone.

maybe that's a part of why folks went crazy over timbiland
and the neptunes last year.

it's been a while since music has sounded that...

again, this post is not about the content or quality of the songs.
it's about the way the stuff was engineered and mixed.
00-04 had songs sounding like 80s pop singles.


and you could tell somebody spent some money on it.