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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectit's an honor.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2866193&mesg_id=2866205
2866205, it's an honor.
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Sat Jan-18-14 06:38 PM
you've taught me so much about music,
about life.

all the albums i thought i liked,
i realized i was wrong.

even this latest kanye album.
no-- especially this kanye album.

i used to think "on sight" had catchy keyboard hooks
and that the one bar hook was a catchy precisely because it
was the opposite of what you expect a hook to do.

but this post has taught me so much.

i am so glad i had the time to write this post to thank you,
while i wait for my pizza to finish cooking.

you are the best poster the lesson has ever seen.
i am upping this post because i want to help you continue
to take up half of the first page.