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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectI've been having a good time with music
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2865694&mesg_id=2865740
2865740, I've been having a good time with music
Posted by lonesome_d, Wed Jan-15-14 02:58 PM
been making more for sure, tendency is def. toward quicker and dirtier pieces instead of bigger arrangements. Just did my second ever piece with a sampled drum loop, still totally an old-time country piece but lots of fun to put together and the drum loop made it a different experience: https://soundcloud.com/lonesomedstringband/cripple-creek

also writing reviews, which gives me a perfectly valid excuse for listening to new music, something I'd avoided for several years. Still mostly folky stuff and roots-rock but I welcome any excuse to keep my thinking-about-music skills sharp (and get hipped to some good stuff).

And man, my mulberry home brew beer? mmmmmm can't wait for June to do it again. Just finally brewing my 2013 raspberry batch now and (based on the success of the mulberry batch) will oak that too. The other harvest beers were great too, but it's going to be time to start brewing and kegging a few session ales again soon. That kegerator is too nice to let sit in the basement unused. And I gave up soda this year so EXTRA CALORIES IN MY DIET FOR BEER (or chocolate).