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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: not entirely
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2847593&mesg_id=2847896
2847896, RE: not entirely
Posted by Anonymous, Mon Oct-14-13 01:26 PM

>all due respect this bit is in that 'I know you are but what
>am I?' style of debate that ultimately won't get us anywhere
>or show us anything, there isn't really enough of a sticking
>point on the subject or new presentation of perspective in
>saying 'maybe it's not me it's you' to go back and forth

I responded that way because you were basically going at dude and telling him to grow up and that he's wrong because his perspective is frozen in time. All I'm saying is, that's your opinion of it and by it being "your opinion" you are part of the reason you feel that way as well. I'm not saying he's right or you're right, but the point brought up by you makes the statement above hypocritical.

>The 'it wasn't a classic in 96' meme was shaky at best to
>begin with considering the success the album had along with
>the effect/impact it had amongst his peers and its been
>growing moldy spores with each subsequent season since.

That's what is in question. The initial impact. I don't believe he had that big of an impact on his peers in 96. he definitely did later on and is still having one today which is a great accomplishment to some degree.