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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectIf this track was by Aseop Rock y'all
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2845492&mesg_id=2845726
2845726, If this track was by Aseop Rock y'all
Posted by Stadiq, Sat Oct-05-13 01:12 AM
Would be jerking off to it smh

Did you really expect her to come back with
That Thing part 2??

Did you really want it??

She was way off that by the time Unplugged

The hate that this track is getting is a combination
of racism, sexism, and guck boys trapped
in 99.

Shit, Ms Hill is SPITTING again! And both
tracks have been dope to me but I
never viewed her as a pop star.

Honest to god if this were Aseop Rock/ El p/
or someone similar it would be hailed as

What do you guys really want from her?

Miseducation part 2??

Collabo album with Elvis fucking Costello?