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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectif r. kelly was white...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2844867&mesg_id=2844872
2844872, if r. kelly was white...
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Tue Oct-01-13 06:42 PM
(god i hate these arguments, but here we are)

if r. kelly was white, i think people would be more likely to assume
that everything he sings shouldn't be taken at face value.

hell, maybe * i * wouldn't even be making this post
if r. kelly wasn't a black guy making r&b.

i know morrisey isn't completely serious.
i know mick jagger isn't completely serious.
if they made the songs r. kelly did, i'd know they were being ironic.
are we less likely to see irony when a black performer does it in r&b music?

i don't think anybody assumes robin thicke's blurred lines is 100 percent serious.
there are people writing essays deconstructing what that song means to say.
r. kelly's work isn't viewed that way.

i wonder why.

EDIT: maybe it's not a race thing at all. i know when the time is being ironic.
i know when stevie is being ironic. same with sly, and george clinton and prince.

maybe the difference is that r. kelly rarely winks at the camera the way the more obviously ironic artists do.

>Particularly the later chapters of TITC. I think he started
>the saga off with sincere intent but when he realized that the
>audience was laughing, he decided to laugh along with them and
>make it more and more over the top.