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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectLove In Stereo is my jawn
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2828304&mesg_id=2828550
2828550, Love In Stereo is my jawn
Posted by tully_blanchard, Sat Aug-03-13 10:17 AM
I interviewed him a few years back and dude was on some broke Prince steeze. The cadence in which he spoke was like the beginning of Computer Blue.

I got to the spot before his rehearsal, and he walked in wearing a black turtleneck and white pants. Later on at the show, he was wearing a black turtleneck and white pants...lol.

When he left the stage, my homegirl asked him what inspired him to write. He paused for about 10 seconds, then said.."....nyaggaaas".

With all that said, dude is a beast. Shoulda been more popular than he was, but I do agree the "gay" thing hurt him..especially in the black community

for house goodness:



ahhh, why the hell not: