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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectI can't stress how much you guys are over-reacting to that song
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2823201&mesg_id=2825004
2825004, I can't stress how much you guys are over-reacting to that song
Posted by Anonymous, Wed Jul-24-13 12:22 PM
Is it good? Nah
Would I have cut it? Yes

But the only thing bad about the song is Swizz on the hook.

The beat is one of Swizzs better joints and the string sample is dope.
Nas kills the verses.
Miguel can sing.

And I've said it before...if you rocked that song on the beach or by the pool, it brings you back to that setting every time and to me, that setting is a good thing.

I'm sure Brotha Sun thinks its the best song on the album which it's not and is actually the worst song on there but to act like its the worst song of all time is crazy.

If that's the case, then I can come up with a long list of Jay songs that needs that title as well.

But I believe the case is people having the mind set that a commercial Nas song = piece of shit no matter what.