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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectThere was a time when an album would be considered classic...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2823201&mesg_id=2823328
2823328, There was a time when an album would be considered classic...
Posted by The Wordsmith, Sat Jul-20-13 01:34 AM
...when the musical landscape had changed tremendously; to the point where the album that's considered classic has a sound that is no longer popular or relevant, yet somehow, it withstood the test of time. Nowadays, you niggas won't let an album get the chance to age before being ready to deem it classic. Man, it's been a year. Today's music hasn't changed that much since then nor has the album aged long enough in order to see if it still holds up. I don't know why cats nowadays have such an itch to call any album they really like a classic while it's still being listened to with fresh ears.

Since 1976