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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subject*smh* this isn't real people
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2814299&mesg_id=2814406
2814406, *smh* this isn't real people
Posted by dunk, Wed Jun-19-13 03:46 PM
-The Caribou tweet was just Dan Snaith inflaming the skepticism/joke that Four Tet is Burial. After his tweet someone posted on Caribou's twitter "I can't believe @Caribou is actually The Doobie Brothers."

-Four Tet saying he was Burial was taking the piss out of fans who tweeted him that "Four Tet is Burial" website. He retweeted the link and then said tweeted later "I Am Burial" as a joke.