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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectThe Whole "Disco Died" & "Disco Is Dead" Was Speculation...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2781381&mesg_id=2781410
2781410, The Whole "Disco Died" & "Disco Is Dead" Was Speculation...
Posted by Dj Joey Joe, Sun Feb-24-13 11:08 PM
...on the industry who couldn't figure out why people backlashed on it so they just put that stamp on the previous released disco but continued to let artists make disco but under different musical tags like boogie, funk/electric funk, smooth-rock (which we now call yacht rock), etc. but disco only died for everyone who was thinking of hopping on the bandwagon and tried to make commercial disco tunes to gain fans & money.

R&B has always been treated like a step-child to the music industry and when disco was being done by r&b acts before it even labeled disco, when it was taken then told that sound is over, they ignored that r&b acts still made the best disco without it being labeled so and it went back to being just r&b & funk.