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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectJust watched "UNSUNG: Disco" and have three questions....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2781381&mesg_id=2781381
2781381, Just watched "UNSUNG: Disco" and have three questions....
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Sun Feb-24-13 09:38 PM
1. How could one rally, the "Disco is dead" one, really kill an entire genre that had been that dominant? I can tell that it was overexposed, and was possibly going to die out eventually in some way...but how could that one rally, especially before the social media era, cause such a major backlash against the genre to where club owners became ashamed to say they owned a Disco club? And was it just propaganda for them to show that two months after the rally, none of the top ten hits were Disco, while before it, it was like 10/10 of the hits were Disco?

2. Michael Jackson "Off the wall" came out in August of 1979, which was like a month after this rally. Was it successful because the music was like the best of the best Disco possible for the time, to the extent that it wasn't even classified as Disco? And with many of us feeling it was a better album than "Thriller"...do you feel that this album's timing, coming right when Disco was at it's decline, may be a reason to why it wasn't accepted as much as Thriller?

3. I've heard people say "Disco killed Funk" but how was this the case? Is this in reference to the earlier Funk that was more acoustic, maybe from the James Brown era more so than George Clinton and Parliament? It feels as if one half of the main Funk hits I know of (Flashlight, etc) came around the middle and end of Disco, while the other half and even the majority of Funk classics I'm familiar with came in the early 80's, right after Disco ended..such as More bounce to the ounce, Atomic Dog, and Cutie Pie.