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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: m: Ewan Mcgregor/Ask This Old House/Charles Grodin
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2763746&mesg_id=2763827
2763827, RE: m: Ewan Mcgregor/Ask This Old House/Charles Grodin
Posted by undeadsinatra, Sat Dec-15-12 03:00 PM
Ewan Mcgregor
"My Wave" - Soundgarden
(since his new flick is about the Tsunami)

Ask This Old House
"Our House" - Crosby Still Nash & Young
(change it up a bit to "Out house, is a very, very, very old house...")

Charles Grodin
"Linus And Lucy" - VInce Guraldi Trio

(a.k.a. the dance song from A Charlie Brown Christmas-- it is that season, his name is Charles and he legendarily has a pretty pessimistic disposition, just like out man Charlie Brown.)