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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectyou raise an interesting point even if half of the folks in here
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2756633&mesg_id=2756691
2756691, you raise an interesting point even if half of the folks in here
Posted by Bombastic, Sat Nov-17-12 08:07 AM
clowning Shells were probably buying Silk, C-Murder & P albums back in the day claiming they were good.

(note: Mystikal, Young Bleed, Fiend & Mia excepted as well as some of the trademark cuts like Bout It of course).

But anyway, back to this new P. It's funny to me that we've reached a period where Master P is too straight-ahead and 'rappity' to compete with the unabashed inarticulate sing-song-chants of some of these young cats doing it today like your example reminded me of.

P actually slightly enunciating & dividing a song up between hooks/verses doesn't have the impact that a mush-mouthed zombie-chant of something like 'Love Sosa' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWyHZNBz6FE where you're not sure if *rapping* every really starts, at least in the sense we grew up on & became accustomed to over the years.

A joint like that as ridiculous as I thought it was when I first heard it hits on a base-lowest-common-denominator level that Dancing With The Stars P can't reach at this point.

And if P can't hit you in that primordially ignorant level than he doesn't really have a place in this landscape, because he's definitely never been able to spit for real or touch on something you hadn't heard done better elsewhere.

As for B's song in the subject, to me it wasn't really any worse than a lot of the bullshit he made back then but unlike 'Love Sosa' it won't creep into my head against my will later.