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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: Land of Synth LP due for release 11.30.12
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2754476&mesg_id=2755353
2755353, RE: Land of Synth LP due for release 11.30.12
Posted by judono, Sun Nov-11-12 11:21 AM
i have a reaL strong recommendation for you bro. pLease, hoLLer at: _Torchbaras . i'm pretty sure he wiLL just give u one or two beats to rock out to. he has posted a few repLies in this thread.. his soundcLoud is: http://soundcloud.com/torchbaras .. give him a shout. touch base. get to know him a LittLe bit.

i wiLL aLso hoLLer at u very soon and have some charity for you.. but torch ... torch baras is a very gifted producer, he keeps it 100% & knockin and has a versatiLe boombap production paLette.. he is one of the most thorough & consistent i've heard on here , ever. i am good for that different, Left fieLd, raw--but i'm not ready for you just yet.. i'LL have some stuff for you to consider reaL soon. in the meantime, i'd Like to see you & torch connect & be part of this new