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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: how's everybody doing on their personL recording? what u been up to?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2754476&mesg_id=2755174
2755174, RE: how's everybody doing on their personL recording? what u been up to?
Posted by judono, Sat Nov-10-12 09:44 AM
herb, i'm going to give u an idea / suggestion for your next project:

how about if you did something new and different for your next project? make the whole next project But-- do not rap. but instead-- do the whole EP in a spoken word format over very chiLL, thought provoking production. forget traditionaL hiphop aLtogether when you're making the beats , and forget the traditionaL 'rapping' format... touch on reaL Life topics from your worLd or shit that is cLose to your heart and mind. but express it in a spoken word deLivery... stiLL have the rhyming words,... but have the deeper criteria, content, and break em with a brand new deLivery. and break em with a new Left-fieLd soundscape..

i made it from track #1-track #6 on your bandcamp. the aLbum cover was cooL.