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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectTo be fair, I've always been iffy about his more "political" songs
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2752201&mesg_id=2753018
2753018, To be fair, I've always been iffy about his more "political" songs
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Wed Oct-31-12 02:33 PM
outside of You Haven't Done Nothin'. I'm not even big on Happy Birthday, even though it's an anthem.
Stevie's "social ills" songs have always sounded a bit heavy-handed and corny, to me.
I'm not one to call people "preachy" for making songs that are actually *about* something, but Stevie
comes across that way, for me personally, when he goes there. Seems like he's at his best when
singing about....
well just about anything except politics.