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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: i don't agree.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2744826&mesg_id=2745041
2745041, RE: i don't agree.
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Tue Oct-02-12 10:16 AM
>would it be bullshit if the original rights holders brought
>suit against people who didn't clear samples?
>or are people just mad because this guy came around and is
>doing it?

I don't think it's okay to charge copious amounts of money for some shit after the fact, for one, and for another I have a problem with someone who has no problem doing so and not at least helping out these guys that played this shit and are hurting right now
there's no reason Melvin Bliss had to die broke and doing house parties, not having the money to get proper care for his ailments

>the bottom line is that you have to pay to play.
>at this point in the game, no one should be shocked when an
>attorney comes calling over their uncleared sample use. crying
>over the person who is suing is kind of a moot point.

you're basically saying that it's fine to use any sort of tactic to get over that you want because it doesn't matter how you get it as long as you do

>the fact that someone has the wherewithall and foresight to
>recognize that a market can be exploited does not make their
>actions bullshit. it's sheer capitalism.

you can call it what you want, but suing people for using something you now possess when they used it during a time you didn't possess it is indeed bullshit

>and lol @ him asking kids what samples were poppin being some
>kind of awful practice. why don't you find those kids and be
>mad at them for telling? maybe if much of this information
>wasn't so readily available by people on forums and the
>internet generally who are in a hurry to brag about what
>sample came from where, it would be a bigger issue.

they didn't know why he was doing it, smartass
but the part you don't know is that the kids worked in his warehouse and he wouldn't pay them
but I guess it's not his fault for stiffing children because they went for it, right?

>re: my previous reply.
>double O's comment seemed to address the fact that copyright
>suits were being brought over drum loops specifically, as if
>they are any less integral to beats/beat making than other

only when read by somebody of a polishpro pedigree like your nigger ass