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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: i don't agree.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2744826&mesg_id=2745029
2745029, RE: i don't agree.
Posted by double 0, Tue Oct-02-12 09:36 AM
>would it be bullshit if the original rights holders brought
>suit against people who didn't clear samples?
>or are people just mad because this guy came around and is
>doing it?

I am mad because it's not like clyde stubblefield isn't getting (publishing) money.. He never was.. he created famous breaks as a "work for hire" and then the label gets the publishing.... THEN someone who has nothing to do with the original song gets paid years later? That's bullshit..

>the fact that someone has the wherewithall and foresight to
>recognize that a market can be exploited does not make their
>actions bullshit. it's sheer capitalism.

I agree... but capitalism can also just be simply poaching... I "get" what he's doing but I don't have to respect it or condone it.

>and lol @ him asking kids what samples were poppin being some
>kind of awful practice. why don't you find those kids and be
>mad at them for telling?
>maybe if much of this information wasn't so readily available
>by people on forums and the internet who are in a hurry to
>brag about what sample came from where, it would be a bigger

I think there is an overall issue with copyright law... I don't believe people should be paid a crazy ass amount of money for their "master clearance" (maybe a flat rate). I feel like you either approve or you don't negotiate a % and keep it moving.

>and re: my previous reply.
>double O's comment seemed to address the fact that copyright
>suits were being brought over drum loops specifically, as if
>they are any less integral to beats/beat making than other