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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: If that was all there is to musicianship...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2741863&mesg_id=2742280
2742280, RE: If that was all there is to musicianship...
Posted by cheesecake, Thu Sep-20-12 12:36 PM
>...then Yngvie Malmsteen would be the single greatest
>recording artist in history.


>Generally when musicians talk about musicianship, technical
>ability is involved, but so are dynamics, taste, restraint,
>applied theory, and those sorts of things. In fact, when you
>hear a really good musician talk about the musicianship of
>another player, s/he ISN'T talking about technique, but taste,
>and playing for the music.
>One way of thinking about it is that musicianship has as much
>to do with the notes you DON'T play as the notes you do play.

I think you've completely misinterpreted what I said. What I said was the term "musicianship" means the level of mastery a musician has over his/her instrument - that doesn't just refer to technical ability, which includes dynamics and applied theory, by the way. What that means is how much a musician can get whatever is in his head, what he's hearing, and manifest it on his instrument as unfiltered and purely as possible. The more capable you are at your instrument, the easier this becomes. This is what Jimmy and Miles were so good at and that's why they're considered great "musicians", even though Jimmy didn't know a godamned thing about music theory. What you said about restraint, taste, and it's about what notes you do or don't play - that's note selection, to me that falls under the term "composition" more than "musicianship".