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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: Eh....none of that is especially hard to play either.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2741863&mesg_id=2742174
2742174, RE: Eh....none of that is especially hard to play either.
Posted by cheesecake, Thu Sep-20-12 07:42 AM
>That's a bunch of guys each doing some simple things that
>create complexity when put together.
>I don't have a dog in this fight, but if the OP's point is
>about technique and chops, then this video doesn't argue
>against that.
>On the other hand, the OP seems to be using "musicianship" as
>a synonym for technique, which is wrong, as musicianship
>involves a lot more than just technique.
>Radiohead's musicianship is pretty damned high, in fact. But
>that doesn't make them any less boring.

Okay, interesting. When I think of the word "musicianship," and how it's measured, I'm usually thinking simply in terms of the degree of mastery said musician has over his or her instrument. How would you define musicianship? I mean, does it differ when applied to a band/group as opposed to an individual?