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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: official response :)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2658635&mesg_id=2728178
2728178, RE: official response :)
Posted by amplifya7, Tue Aug-07-12 04:26 PM
basically...i wanted hectic zeniths to be more fully realized compositions/songs trying to push my limits as far as possible and incorporating live instrumentation and field recordings...hopefully eventually work with singers as well..and probably anything i release as HZ i'll have someone else help mix/master.

also, i saw a couple people labeling tupperware beats as hectic zeniths tracks which I didn't want, and don't want the hectic zeniths stuff being grouped with something that has giant sampled loops and just feels more formulaic and not of the same quality to me.

homeboy sandman said something in an interview to the effect of 'find something that only you do/only you can do'..there's so many producers out there who can do stuff like tupperware beats i think.

in short,
amplifya = beats, recognizable samples
hectic zeniths = giving everything i got, throwing in everything-but-the-kitchen-sink, more composition, trying not to building around pre-existing loops or long/recognizable samples.

maybe i'll re-up the amplifya stuff to a different bandcamp/soundcloud page for the hell of it. thanks for caring :)

EDIT: I don't mean to downplay disco screw/tupperware beats though..i did spend a good bit of time on those and like them for what they are