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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectYou are so right my dood...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2718573&mesg_id=2720813
2720813, You are so right my dood...
Posted by Brew, Mon Jul-16-12 06:16 PM
>About his vocals though. The boy got the kind of vocals that
>melt into
>the music. They don't stand out much in comparison to someone
>like my
>cousin Frank (whom I also love) whose vocals always seem to
>stand out.
>You will damn near forget Fauntleroy is singing if you don't
>pay attention.
>Then when you do focus on him, you find that his lyrics are
>truly top notch.
>I think that's the only thang keepin him from blowin up is
>that he sound
>like he in the background even when he the front man.

And you just echoed my sentiments, from when I was explaining to a couple friends of mine the other day about why I was so excited about this Cocaine 80s stuff.

What I said, in so many words, was that even though it's the most cliche way to describe music/vocals ever, Fauntleroy's voice TRULY is an instrument on the track, because it fits in and flows so well with the music. And you mentioned that it may be the thing that holds him back from blowing up, and you're probably right, but BECAUSE I was able to dig deeper and listen for his lyrics, I find that his ability to blend into the track is what is so remarkable about this music.

This dood doesn't just sing on an instrumental. He ensures that his words flow with the music he's on, and he seems to do it so flawlessly, so effortlessly. And then, like you said, once you listen enough and finally start to decipher what he's saying, it adds more edge to it cause on top of the beauty of the music and the vocals, his writing is so potent, so...I dunno, nuanced? So different, so witty (which is not the word I wanted at all but it's all I could come up with right now)...it's just such great music.

Really I could go on for days about this Cocaine 80s stuff. I admittedly don't know much of Fauntleroy's solo material but I plan to dig in real soon. But between No ID's incredible production, Fauntleroy's vocals and the other guys' flawless instrumentation, I really haven't been as excited for an artist/group in YEARS, like I am about Cocaine 80s right now. Like, probably close to a decade.