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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: Dwele Rize vs Frank Ocean Channel Orange vs TLB vs Archandroid vs Ameoba Cleansing Syndrome vs Voodoo
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2719749&mesg_id=2719782
2719782, RE: Dwele Rize vs Frank Ocean Channel Orange vs TLB vs Archandroid vs Ameoba Cleansing Syndrome vs Voodoo
Posted by Nodima, Thu Jul-12-12 11:23 PM
Rize: Haven't heard this one, liked W.W.W. enough so I really need to dig into more Dwele.

Channel Orange: Haven't heard this one, but Nostalgia,Ultra. was all hype to me other than Novacane. Not as excited for it as some others are, but the hype has me curious as usual.

TLB: I really, really, really love this album and you can't criticize it in front of me without my facing getting all screwy...but it's just a great album, not an excellent one.

ArchAndroid: Really serious album, loved pretty much every minute of it but I have to admit I haven't felt an urge to go back to it since the year it came out. I really should, I loved it and know I still would.

Amoeba Cleansing Syndrome: Is this the Joi album? Haven't heard it. Sad face.

Voodoo: One of my favorite 90s/2000s soul albums, period. Not fair to include.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." © Jay Bilas
