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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectBlasphemy might be my fav Pac song ever
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2703218&mesg_id=2703275
2703275, Blasphemy might be my fav Pac song ever
Posted by Menphyel7, Fri May-25-12 12:41 PM

>#3 Blasphemy is a DOPE song. Random? Yes, but had to say it.

and that might be his best "lyrical mcing" type song ever which is crazy that he might have been getting techinally better that late into his carrer. 7 day theory and makaveli 2 might have his best "rapping" out of all his albums.

I think cause he didn't have to please anyone that shit might have been really the first "mixtape album" you have now.

I mean they wanted the album to sell so they did change it up to make it sell more since they cash cow was dead now.