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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectR.I.P. Donna Summer / thoughts
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2699964&mesg_id=2699974
2699974, R.I.P. Donna Summer / thoughts
Posted by lagism, Thu May-17-12 10:54 AM
Another shocker for me (along with Levon Helm).
I didnt know she was sick. RIP for real.

4 Seasons of Love is such a great album and obviously she was such a talent. Seemed to be one of the few "disco" artists that actually was able to survive the backlash and have somewhat of a career in the early 80s.

I know my moms is sad. Came to America in the late 70s and she used to tell me stories about dancing to Last Dance at the Library club on the Main Line.

RIP Donna Summer